Electronic Engineering
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Crea soluciones y sistemas electrónicos de vanguardia para, con ingenio y creatividad, resolver problemas en diferentes áreas y superar distintos retos.
You need to change this Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id elit diam. Vestibulum ullamcorper volutpat mauris ut interdum.
You need to change this Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id elit diam. Vestibulum ullamcorper volutpat mauris ut interdum
You need to change this Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris id elit diam. Vestibulum ullamcorper volutpat mauris ut interdum
Training in action
Java method "com.sun.proxy.$Proxy1192.getLatestArticle(long)" threw an exception when invoked on com.sun.proxy.$Proxy1192 object "com.liferay.journal.service.impl.JournalArticleLocalServiceImpl@41580d7a"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace. ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign article = JournalArticleLocal... [in template "97#123#32442" at line 20, column 9] ----
1<#assign langIdm = themeDisplay.getLanguageId() />
2<#assign url_public = themeDisplay.getPathFriendlyURLPublic()>
3<#assign JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService")/>
4<#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")>
5<#assign dlFileEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLFileEntryLocalService")>
6 <#if themeDisplay?? >
7 <#attempt>
8 <#assign instanceIdCTA4 = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getInstanceId() >
9 <#recover>
10 <#assign instanceIdCTA4 = "test" >
11 </#recover>
12 </#if>
13<#assign articles = []/>
18<#if contenido1.getData()?has_content??>
19 <#if contenido1.getData()?has_content && contenido1.getData()?matches("[0-9]+") >
20 <#assign article = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getLatestArticle(contenido1.getData()?number)>
21 <#assign articles = articles + [article]/>
22 </#if>
24<#if contenido2.getSiblings()?has_content>
25 <#list contenido2.getSiblings() as cur_contenido2>
26 <#if cur_contenido2.getData()?has_content>
27 <#assign article2 = JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil.getLatestArticle(cur_contenido2.getData()?number)>
28 <#assign articles = articles + [article2]/>
29 </#if>
30 </#list>
33<#assign con = 0/>
34<div style="background-color: #42b4e3;">
35 <div class="container-fluid container-it cta4-5">
36 <div class="row no-gutters justify-content-md-center">
37<#if articles?has_content>
38 <#list articles as cur_art>
39 <#assign size = articles?size/>
40 <#assign con ++>
41 <#assign urlDownload = ''/>
42 <#assign document = saxReaderUtil.read(cur_art.getContentByLocale(locale)) />
43 <#assign root = document.getRootElement()>
44 <#assign titulo = root.selectSingleNode("dynamic-element[@name='titulo']/dynamic-content").getText()/>
46 <#assign Basica_Liga = themeDisplay.getSiteGroup().getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("Basica_Liga")>
47 <#assign Basica = themeDisplay.getSiteGroup().getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("Basica")>
48 <#assign Descarga = themeDisplay.getSiteGroup().getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("Descarga")>
50 <#if cur_art.getStructureId() == Basica_Liga >
51 <#assign link = root.selectSingleNode("dynamic-element[@name='link']/dynamic-content").getText()/>
52 <#assign linkjson = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(link)>
53 <#assign url = root.selectSingleNode("dynamic-element[@name='url']/dynamic-content").getText()/>
54 </#if>
55 <#if cur_art.getStructureId() == Descarga >
56 <#--h1>entro a descarga</h1-->
57 <#assign xmlValue = root.selectSingleNode("dynamic-element[@name='doc']/dynamic-content").getText()/>
58 <#assign docJson = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(xmlValue)>
59 <#assign urlDownload = getArticleDLEntryUrl(xmlValue)>
60 <#--h1>${xmlValue}</h1>
62 </div-->
63 </#if>
66 <#if getterUtil.getBoolean(MostrarRedes.getData())>
67 <#assign showRedes = 'true'/>
68 <#else>
69 <#assign showRedes = 'false'/>
70 </#if>
72 <#if size == 2 && showRedes == 'true'>
73 <div id="bloque-${con}-${instanceIdCTA4}" class="col-md-12 col-lg-4 contenedor" > <!-- align-self-center -->
74 <div class="text-center w-100 mt-4 mr-4 mb-4 ml-4">
75 <#if titulo?? >
76 <h1 id="bloque-txt-${con}-${instanceIdCTA4}" class="texto">${titulo}</h1>
77 </#if>
78 <#if cur_art.getStructureId() == Basica>
79 <#assign urldetalle = "/web/general/detalle" />
80 <a href="${urldetalle}?group_id=${cur_art.getResourcePrimKey()}" class="cta4-link" target="_blank"><i class="bi bi-plus-circle" style="padding-right: 10px;"></i>${txtLinkCta4_5.getData()}</a>
83 </#if>
84 <#if cur_art.getStructureId() == Basica_Liga && link != "">
85 <#assign linkid = link?split("@")>
86 <#assign groupUtil = serviceLocator.findService('com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService')>
87 <#assign group = groupUtil.getGroup(cur_art.getGroupId())>
88 <#assign groupFriendly = group.getFriendlyURL()>
89 <#assign layoutService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.LayoutLocalService")>
90 <#--assign layout = layoutService.getLayout(linkjson.getLong("groupId") , linkjson.getBoolean("privateLayout"),linkjson.getLong("layoutId"))-->
91 <#assign layoutFriendly = layout.getFriendlyURL()>
92 <#assign link_page = "${url_public}${groupFriendly}${layoutFriendly}">
93 <a href="${link_page}" class="cta4-link" target="_blank"><i class="bi bi-plus-circle" style="padding-right: 10px;"></i>${txtLinkCta4_5.getData()}</a>
94 </#if>
95 <#if cur_art.getStructureId() == Basica_Liga && url != "">
96 <#assign link_page = url>
97 <a href="${url}" class="cta4-link" target="_blank"><i class="bi bi-plus-circle" style="padding-right: 10px;"></i>${txtLinkCta4_5.getData()}</a>
98 </#if>
99 <#if cur_art.getStructureId() == Descarga> <!-- ${getArticleDLEntryUrl(xmlValue)} -->
100 <a id="documentDowload" href="" class="cta4-link" target="_blank"><i class="bi bi-plus-circle" style="padding-right: 10px;"></i>${txtLinkCta4_5.getData()}</a>
101 </#if>
102 </div>
103 </div>
107 <#elseif size == 3 && showRedes == 'false'>
108 <div id="bloque-${con}-${instanceIdCTA4}" class="col-lg-4 col-md-12 contenedor" > <!-- align-self-center -->
109 <div class="text-center w-100 mt-4 mr-4 mb-4 ml-4">
110 <#if titulo?? >
111 <h1 id="bloque-txt-${con}-${instanceIdCTA4}" class="texto">${titulo}</h1>
112 </#if>
113 <#if cur_art.getStructureId() == Basica>
114 <#assign urldetalle = "/web/general/detalle" />
115 <a href="${urldetalle}?group_id=${cur_art.getResourcePrimKey()}" class="cta4-link" target="_blank"><i class="bi bi-plus-circle" style="padding-right: 10px;"></i>${txtLinkCta4_5.getData()}</a>
116 </#if>
117 <#if cur_art.getStructureId() == Basica_Liga && link != "">
118 <#assign linkid = link?split("@")>
119 <#assign groupUtil = serviceLocator.findService('com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.GroupLocalService')>
120 <#assign group = groupUtil.getGroup(cur_art.getGroupId())>
121 <#assign groupFriendly = group.getFriendlyURL()>
122 <#assign layoutService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.LayoutLocalService")>
123 <#--assign layout = layoutService.getLayout(linkjson.getLong("groupId") , linkjson.getBoolean("privateLayout"),linkjson.getLong("layoutId"))-->
124 <#assign layoutFriendly = layout.getFriendlyURL()>
125 <#assign link_page = "${url_public}${groupFriendly}${layoutFriendly}">
126 <a href="${link_page}" class="cta4-link" target="_blank"><i class="bi bi-plus-circle" style="padding-right: 10px;"></i>${txtLinkCta4_5.getData()}</a>
127 </#if>
128 <#if cur_art.getStructureId() == Basica_Liga && url != "">
129 <#assign link_page = url>
130 <a href="${url}" class="cta4-link" target="_blank"><i class="bi bi-plus-circle" style="padding-right: 10px;"></i>${txtLinkCta4_5.getData()}</a>
131 </#if>
133 <#if cur_art.getStructureId() == Descarga> <!-- -->
134 <a id="documentDowload" href="${getArticleDLEntryUrl(xmlValue)}" class="cta4-link" target="_blank"><i class="fal fa-arrow-circle-down" style="padding-right: 10px;"></i>${txtLinkCta4_5.getData()}</a>
135 </#if>
136 </div>
137 </div>
139 <#--</#if--> <#-- FIN VALIDACION SI ES 3 Y FALSE-->
140 <#else>
141 <#if con ==1>
142 <script type="text/javascript">
143 if($('#redes-${instanceIdCTA4}')){
144 $('#redes-${instanceIdCTA4}').css("display","none");
145 }
146 </script>
147 <div class="col-12 text-center" style="color: red;">
148 <#if langIdm == 'es_ES'>
149 <span>Las reglas para este componente son</span>
150 <ul>
151 <li style="list-style: none;">Si se activa mostrar redes sociales solo debe haber 2 contenidos</li>
152 <li style="list-style: none;">Si no se activa mostrar redes sociales los contenidos deberan ser 3</li>
153 </ul>
154 </#if>
155 <#if langIdm == 'en_US'>
156 <span>The rules for this component are</span>
157 <ul>
158 <li style="list-style: none;">If show social networks is activated, there should only be 2 content</li>
159 <li style="list-style: none;">If showing social networks is not activated, the contents must be 3</li>
160 </ul>
161 </#if>
162 <#if langIdm == 'fr_FR'>
163 <span>Les règles de ce composant sont</span>
164 <ul>
165 <li style="list-style: none;">Si montrer les réseaux sociaux est activé, il ne devrait y avoir que 2 contenus</li>
166 <li style="list-style: none;">Si l'affichage des réseaux sociaux n'est pas activé, le contenu doit être 3</li>
167 </ul>
168 </#if>
169 </div>
170 </#if>
171 </#if>
172 <script type="text/javascript">
173 $(document).ready(function(){
174 $('#bloque-${con}-${instanceIdCTA4}').hover(function(){
176 $('#bloque-${con}-${instanceIdCTA4}').css("background-color", "#004270");
177 $('#bloque-txt-${con}-${instanceIdCTA4}').css("color", "#42b4e3");
178 }, function(){
179 $('#bloque-${con}-${instanceIdCTA4}').css("background-color", "#42b4e3");
180 $('#bloque-txt-${con}-${instanceIdCTA4}').css("color", "#004270");
181 });
183 });
184 </script>
185 </#list>
188<#if getterUtil.getBoolean(MostrarRedes.getData())>
189<div id="redes-${instanceIdCTA4}" class="col-md-12 col-lg-4 contenedor">
190<div class="text-center w-100 mt-4 mr-4 mb-4 ml-4">
191<h1 id="redes-txt-${instanceIdCTA4}" class="texto">${MostrarRedes.txtRedes.getData()}</h1>
192<!--a href="" class="cta4-link"><i class="bi bi-plus-circle" style="padding-right: 10px;"></i>${txtLinkCta4_5.getData()}</a-->
194<ul class="redes-sociales text-center" style="display: inline-flex;align-items: center;vertical-align: middle;">
195<#if MostrarRedes.linkRed.getSiblings()?has_content>
196 <#list MostrarRedes.linkRed.getSiblings() as cur_MostrarRedes_linkRed>
197 <#if cur_MostrarRedes_linkRed.selectRed.getData()?has_content && cur_MostrarRedes_linkRed.getData()?has_content>
198 <li class="icon-red-social">
199 <a class="icon-color" href="${cur_MostrarRedes_linkRed.getData()}" target="_blank">
200 <i class="${cur_MostrarRedes_linkRed.selectRed.getData()} fa-2x"></i>
201 </a>
202 </li>
203 </#if>
204 </#list>
209<script type="text/javascript">
210 $(document).ready(function(){
211 $('#redes-${instanceIdCTA4}').hover(function(){
212 $('#redes-${instanceIdCTA4}').css("background-color", "#004270");
213 $('#redes-txt-${instanceIdCTA4}').css("color", "#42b4e3");
214 $('.icon-color').css("color", "#42b4e3");
215 $('.icon-red-social').css("border", "solid 2px #42b4e3");
216 }, function(){
217 $('#redes-${instanceIdCTA4}').css("background-color", "#42b4e3");
218 $('#redes-txt-${instanceIdCTA4}').css("color", "#004270");
219 $('.icon-color').css("color", "#004270");
220 $('.icon-red-social').css("border", "solid 2px #004270");
221 });
222 });
225<#function getArticleDLEntryUrl xmlValue>
227 <#local docUrl = "" />
229 <#if xmlValue?has_content>
230 <#local jsonObject = xmlValue?eval />
232 <#local entryUuid = jsonObject.uuid />
233 <#local entryGroupId = getterUtil.getLong(jsonObject.groupId) />
235 <#local dlFileEntry = dlFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(entryUuid, entryGroupId) />
237 <#local assetEntry = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.model.DLFileEntry", dlFileEntry.fileEntryId) />
238 <#local assetRenderer = assetEntry.assetRenderer />
240 <#local docUrl = assetRenderer.getURLDownload(themeDisplay) />
241 </#if>
242 <#return docUrl />
244 </div>
245 </div>
247<style type="text/css">
249 font-family: 'Degular-Medium';
250 /*font-size: 65px;*/
251 font-weight: 500;
252 font-stretch: normal;
253 font-style: normal;
254 line-height: 0.91;
255 letter-spacing: normal;
256 /*text-align: center;*/
257 color: #004270;
258 font-size: 3em;
259 margin-bottom: 3rem;
260 /*display: flex;
261 justify-content: center;
262 align-items: center;*/
265.contenedor {
266 display: flex;
267 justify-content: center;
268 align-items: center;
271 font-family: 'Degular-Bold';
272 font-size: 1.5rem;
273 font-weight: bold;
274 font-stretch: normal;
275 font-style: normal;
276 line-height: 1.17;
277 letter-spacing: normal;
278 text-align: left;
279 color: #fff;
280 margin-top: 3rem;
281 display: flex;
282 justify-content: center;
283 align-items: center;
284 text-transform: uppercase;
287 text-decoration: none;
288 color: #fff;
291 display: flex;
292 justify-content: center;
293 align-items: center;
294 background-color: #42b4e3;
298 background-color: #004270;
303overflow: hidden;
305#redes-${instanceIdCTA4} .redes-sociales li {
306 display: inline-block;
308#redes-${instanceIdCTA4} .redes-sociales a {
309 color: #004270;
311/*@media (min-width: 300px) {
312 .contenedor{
313 height: 288px;
316@media (min-width: 768px) {
317 .contenedor{
318 height: 200px;
321/*@media (min-width: 1920px) {
322 .contenedor{
323 height: 470px !important;
326#redes-${instanceIdCTA4} .icon-color i {
327 font-size: 38px;
329.icon-color svg:hover path {
330 fill: #00c4ff !important;
333@media (max-width:768px){
334 .contenedor{
335 height:288px;
336 }
338@media (min-width:992px){
339 .contenedor{
340 height:380px;
341 }
343@media (min-width: 300px) and (max-width:991.5px) {
344 .redes-sociales{
345 padding-inline-start: 0;
346 }
349 /*font-size: 1.4em;*/
352 font-size:2.6em;
353 margin-bottom: 2rem;
355.icon-color i {
356 font-size: 50px;
358.icon-color i {
359 line-height: 1.2;
362 height:288px;
365 padding-left: 0;
366 padding-right:0;
369.redes-sociales {
370 padding-inline-start: 0;
373#redes-${instanceIdCTA4} .redes-sociales li {
374 border: solid 2px #004270;
375 border-radius: 50%;
376 padding: 28px;
377 width: 70px;
378 height: 70px;
379 display: inline-flex;
380 align-items: center;
381 vertical-align: middle;
382 justify-content: center;
383 margin-right: 2px;
384 margin-top: 5px;
386#redes-${instanceIdCTA4} .redes-sociales li:hover {
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390<script type="text/javascript">
391 /*
392 var dowload = '${urlDownload}';
393 if(dowload != ''){
394 var downloadLink = dowload.replace('&download=true', '');
395 console.log(dowload);
396 console.log(downloadLink);
397 if($('#documentDowload')){
398 console.log("Si exisrte elemento");
399 $('#documentDowload').attr("href",downloadLink);
400 }
403/*$('#bloque-1').css('padding-right', '7.5%');
404$('#bloque-3').css('padding-right', '7.5%');*/
subtitulo 01
parrafo 01
subtitulo 02
parrafo 02
designing, improving, optimizing and administering electronic systems.
• Graduates will assume leadership or coordination roles on electronic
system development teams.
• Graduates will be capable of starting up and incubating new technology-based businesses that promote the socioeconomic development of the region.
development projects and/or of adapting information technologies.
• Graduates will be capable of updating their knowledge by taking
certification and diploma courses, and studying for a graduate degree.
• Graduates will be capable of planning, leading and coordinating
projects by following best practices in accordance with the industry
where they work.
Ingeniería Electrónica (Modalidad Escolar)
Los Proyectos de Aplicación Profesional PAP son espacios de vinculación con comunidades, organizaciones, empresas y gobierno, a través de los cuales estudiantes y profesorado del ITESO ponen en práctica sus habilidades profesionales para incidir estratégicamente en las problemáticas de la sociedad.
Study on a campus with over 100 specialized labs equipped with the latest technology, top-flight athletic and cultural facilities, all surrounded by a university forest of over four thousand trees. It’s a unique space that encourages face-to-face encounters, creation, innovation and collaboration, and stimulates integrated intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual development.
Be part of an educational project that is committed to its surrounding community and to the world, that generates relevant, transformative knowledge with a rigorous, humanistic, critical and flexible way of proceeding focused on service to society.
Activate and enhance your health and your quality of life with a balanced approach. Take exercise classes, join one the teams that represents ITESO, make use of the services of outstanding trainers and specialists in sports nutrition, medicine and psychology who can help you take better care of yourself and enhance your performance. Physical Education and Wellness Center
Experiment and express yourself through the visual and performance arts. You’ll find workshops for painting, music, poetry, ceramics, literature, dance, theater, photography, sculpture, heritage management and much more. You can enjoy exhibitions and performances on the ITESO campus and at Casa ITESO Clavigero.
Open your heart and nourish your spirit. Cultivate Ignatian spirituality and look for a deeper meaning in experiences and learning that invite you to define your life project, to undertake social commitment projects and to prepare yourself to be a social leader who transforms the reality of your community.
Live your university experience in the company of others. You’ll find people nearby who are available to offer you psycho-affective and academic guidance. Being ITESO means being part of a diverse, creative and supportive community.
Cultivate an international educational experience where you interact with students and professors from other regions, from a perspective of respectful intercultural dialogue, global citizenship and proficiency in different languages. ITESO is part of the world’s largest educational network with a presence in over 180 countries. You can study abroad or take part in remote international learning experiences.
Acquaint yourself with ITESO’s library, a one-of-a-kind space with over 640 thousand physical volumes and 200 thousand digital items, ranging from books and periodicals to maps and films, and even a collection of rare antique books. Take advantage of the reading rooms, exhibition spaces, screening rooms, the “agora” space for public events, the materials library and a wide variety of spaces for individual and team work.
Do your university studies on one of the country’s most sustainable campuses, and one of the few in the world with a carefully-tended forest. Participate in projects that focus on the conservation and protection of natural areas and develop initiatives related to responsible consumption that help to shrink our environmental footprint. Use your professional skills to contribute to the care of our common home!
Find solutions and develop your ideas in spaces for experimenting and innovating processes and products, equipped with the latest technology that ITESO puts at your disposal. Promote the construction of new realities that lead to the creation of a more sustainable, more just and more humane world.
Our campus
Social commitment
Athletics and health
Culture and art
Jesuit spirituality
Study on a campus with over 100 specialized labs equipped with the latest technology, top-flight athletic and cultural facilities, all surrounded by a university forest of over four thousand trees. It’s a unique space that encourages face-to-face encounters, creation, innovation and collaboration, and stimulates integrated intellectual, emotional, physical and spiritual development.
Be part of an educational project that is committed to its surrounding community and to the world, that generates relevant, transformative knowledge with a rigorous, humanistic, critical and flexible way of proceeding focused on service to society.
Activate and enhance your health and your quality of life with a balanced approach. Take exercise classes, join one the teams that represents ITESO, make use of the services of outstanding trainers and specialists in sports nutrition, medicine and psychology who can help you take better care of yourself and enhance your performance. Physical Education and Wellness Center
Experiment and express yourself through the visual and performance arts. You’ll find workshops for painting, music, poetry, ceramics, literature, dance, theater, photography, sculpture, heritage management and much more. You can enjoy exhibitions and performances on the ITESO campus and at Casa ITESO Clavigero.
Open your heart and nourish your spirit. Cultivate Ignatian spirituality and look for a deeper meaning in experiences and learning that invite you to define your life project, to undertake social commitment projects and to prepare yourself to be a social leader who transforms the reality of your community.
Live your university experience in the company of others. You’ll find people nearby who are available to offer you psycho-affective and academic guidance. Being ITESO means being part of a diverse, creative and supportive community.
Cultivate an international educational experience where you interact with students and professors from other regions, from a perspective of respectful intercultural dialogue, global citizenship and proficiency in different languages. ITESO is part of the world’s largest educational network with a presence in over 180 countries. You can study abroad or take part in remote international learning experiences.
Acquaint yourself with ITESO’s library, a one-of-a-kind space with over 640 thousand physical volumes and 200 thousand digital items, ranging from books and periodicals to maps and films, and even a collection of rare antique books. Take advantage of the reading rooms, exhibition spaces, screening rooms, the “agora” space for public events, the materials library and a wide variety of spaces for individual and team work.
Do your university studies on one of the country’s most sustainable campuses, and one of the few in the world with a carefully-tended forest. Participate in projects that focus on the conservation and protection of natural areas and develop initiatives related to responsible consumption that help to shrink our environmental footprint. Use your professional skills to contribute to the care of our common home!
Find solutions and develop your ideas in spaces for experimenting and innovating processes and products, equipped with the latest technology that ITESO puts at your disposal. Promote the construction of new realities that lead to the creation of a more sustainable, more just and more humane world.
Vocational guidance
Have doubts about what program to study? We’re happy to offer you guidance. Write to orienta@iteso.mx or call 33 3669 3434, ext. 3246.
Other programs that might interest you
In Electronic Engineering you learn how to design and integrate cutting-edge electronic solutions and systems to address problems in different areas, such as embedded systems, vehicular electronics, biomedical engineering, telecommunications, aeronautics, control and automation. You apply and develop modern electronic systems based on electronic technologies and the use of renewable energies to improve decision-making, reduce costs, and enhance business productivity. You acquire a level of awareness and commitment regarding todays reality so that you can promote a more humane, fair and sustainable world.
If you´re interested in science and technology, putting together and taking apart electronic devices, math, videogames and communications, this program is for you.